Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Sun has got his hat on!

I get up at 5 am most mornings and walk my dog Baron. I would like to say every morning but that just isn't the case. Last week it was so cold that one morning Baron looked at me from his crate and said (with his eyes you understand) uh-uh, no Sir, no way I ain't moving. Well as you can imagine, if I'm up then, hey, we are both going out there in the cold for a walk and so we did!

This morning the temperature was a balmy 50˚and Baron was practically bending the door of his crate to get out and into the woods. As we walked and I felt the warm air on my face and watched my dog springing his way through the woods, chasing rabbits and deer and anything else that moves, I caught myself smiling, enjoying the morning and looking forward to the day. The sun wasn’t up at this point yet but as the air was warm, I just knew that it was going to be a beautiful day.

Every day should be a beautiful day, cold, warm, wet, dry it shouldn’t matter. We live such a blessed life, strike that against the millions in Haiti right now struggling to find clean water, the hundreds of thousands of UN soldiers deployed, the poor and destitute, ugh the list is endless! Yes this is a blessed life and I for one don’t spend enough time just enjoying the many gifts God has given me. A walk with my dog is a simple gift; I get to spend time with God and the wonders of the world and Baron loves being with me. No matter where you are in the world or what the weather is like or what trials and tribulations you are going through, try and see each day as beautiful. Spring is coming and winter will end, your life will get better, you will be happier and today will be a beautiful day.

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