Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Brotherly Love

Today is my brothers birthday, he is younger than I am so I won't tell you how old he is as that tells you my age! I love my brother and always have, sure we have had moments of real horror, fist fights, disagreements, bloody noses and the like but hey we're brothers and that's what brothers do. Even from a young age I always knew that my brother and I were friends, we shared secret jokes, understood to look out for each other in front of our parents, we knew that what happened to one could happen to the other. We remained close through University and often spent time together just hanging out(we devised a game of dorm room basketball which was crazy) but it was in spending time over a beer that we really began to form our friendship. We respect each other, we often now strongly disagree, often vehemently especially on politics and religion but there is always a strong feeling of respect between us and as long as there is a beer involved debates never get out of hand. That may seem odd but it has always been a rule with us that discussions over beer are only ever that and never personal and it works for us. I always enjoy seeing my brother and spending time with him and as we both get older I look forward to many more hours of heated debates. Happy birthday little brother

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