Friday, May 15, 2009

water, water everywhere....

Its so wet today, everywhere is wet, rain jackets, umbrellas people running, its just wet. Everywhere is green, the grass looks happy , the trees look happy, the flowers bloom with extra vigor. As this city spends most of the next few months baking in high heat and high humidity it is important to reflect upon the rain and see what good it brings. I for one enjoy watching the rain, I quite enjoy running in it(not so much Cycling) and believe it or not my dog really likes to play in it. Our area needs the rain, devours the rain, looks forward to the rain, oh and just an aside it actually brings a cost saving as this morning I turned off the sprinklers and saved myself some money. Sure, I am going to have to fix the yard from the debris that comes from the vacant lot next door but hey the grass is starting to look really good and maybe this year I can sit back and relax in my yard then spending hours on my yard.

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